Monday, February 23, 2015

"This is a bad call"

Something I've said during both of my past week's most frustrating (losing) sessions. Both times vs opponents who know how to play tight enough to not be horrible losing players, but don't really have much talent with the game. They have little idea of where I stand in relation to their monster hand, and/or have no idea how much to try and raise for value so they just blast their entire stack in. Meanwhile I'm dumbfounded by how little sense their bet makes when I fucking know better. It's been quite some time now, but I've been that idiot, I've made that bet, and I've spotted people doing it before and avoided it.

"Hero folds aren't profitable in this city." is a fantastic piece of advice a friend of mine gave me years back. I've always been decent at implementing good advice from people I know are experienced, I need to do a better job of learning from my own mistakes without having to repeat them ad nauseam. It's pretty straight forward, start making good folds vs terrible calls.

I'm awesome, and being happy is a choice. The first half of that statement isn't true if I don't live the other half even when it doesn't come easy. I once read a poker pro say that he's not living a grind, he's living a dream. That's a beautiful perspective, and I look forward to sharing it.

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