Friday, August 28, 2015

July was unsurprisingly a lightly played month. Between being back on a five day work week schedule (not my choice, but I get pretty much everything I ask for so I understand) post-Stampede exhaustion, I only clocked two thirds of my monthly quota. Couple that with a horrific run bad session in DC & falling victim to running bad in holde'em followed by playing bad a little longer I needed a bit of time to reset.

August I've been back on track mostly having cleared my targeted hours with the final weekend remaining before me now. I'm pretty happy overall with some of the leeks I've been able to plug up, but I still need to get more (and more, and more, and more) hands in. I've been exercising a lot, and often sandwiching trips to the fitness center between poker sessions and/or work. I have definitely been feeling the expense of spending this much time actively engaged outside of work, when I'm at work longer than I was hoping/expecting that day.

Looking forward to finally being back on a four day work week schedule, so that I can start fine tuning my own little metro poker tour, and hopefully even start scheduling some high low games.